The Association of British Quiz Leagues is a not-for-profit umbrella body representing and open to any organisations that arrange regular quiz competitions for member teams ("leagues").
These competitions may take any form.
The ABQL exists to promote the hobby of competitive amateur quizzing in any and every format, and has no view on the relative merits of different formats.
To encourage and facilitate the provision of mutual support between member leagues through the exchange of information, best practice ideas, question sets etc.
To organise or facilitate the organisation of quiz competitions between teams from or representing member leagues.
To promote the sport of quizzing and to represent the views and interests of member leagues to other bodies involved in it, e.g. question-setting and TV companies.
Membership, constitution and finance
Full membership is open to any established not-for profit body that organises regular quiz competitions between member teams on payment of a subscription.
The Association also recognises associate members which do not need to pay a subscription.
The Association is run by a committee consisting of a nominee from each full member league.