Cookie policy
The Association of British Quiz Leagues (ABQL) website does not collect any personal data through cookies.
ASP.NET Session ID cookie
The only cookie used by the ABQL website is the
ASP.NET Session ID cookie, which is termed a "strictly necessary" cookie.
This cookie is set automatically when a user connects to an ASP.NET application (in this instance, the ABQL website), and expires when the browsing session ends.
The cookie provides a mechanism for persisting information between ASP.NET web pages, and does not contain any information which can identify users by name, contact number, email address or by any other means.
A more technical explanation is available
Public / secure areas
The vast majority of the ABQL website is publicly viewable without restriction.
The content of each page is the same for each user because users do not have to identify themselves to the website by means of login or other methods.
However, there is a section of the site for administrators which is accessible only via secure login.
Again, no cookies are used in the login process to gain access to these areas.
For example, there is no "remember me on this computer" functionality - users must enter their UserID and password every time they log in.
N.B. most modern web browsers have built-in functionality which allows users to store login details for websites to avoid having to enter them manually in every time.
This data is not stored by means of cookies and is, therefore, outwith the scope of this cookie policy.
Users are advised to use this functionality with caution, and never on a public computer.
Links to other websites
The ABQL website contains links to other websites of interest, notably quizzing leagues and organisations.
However, once users have used these links to leave the ABQL website and navigate to another website, they should note that ABQL does not have any control over that website's cookie policy.
Therefore, ABQL cannot accept any responsibility for the protection and privacy of any information which users provide whilst visiting such sites, as such sites are not governed by this cookie policy.
Users should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.
Further information
If you require further information, please contact the ABQL